The new way of offering and sharing psychological services.

It is a psychological assessment and counseling platform that we designed to serve psychologists and HR practitioners in their professional processes. Mainly used for the Romanian ecosystem, it is free, quick and with access to 20 personality inventories, particularly useful in psychological assessments carried out in clinical, educational, and organizational contexts.
When we designed the platform, the struggle was to create the premises for defining a new concept in terms of services offered to practitioner psychologists. We wanted to ensure and provide free and integrated access to professional modules (needed to organize work activity), professional communication and marketing or professional training, and consultancy to specialists.
Our team developed the platform which allows psychologists to:
- Perform professional psychological evaluation services.
- Select and apply multiple complementary psychological tests.
- Easily evaluate and manage data obtained after psychological evaluation and psychological profiling.
- Generate customized psychological reports.
- Get unrestricted access to their own databases and receive support for statistical analysis.
- We created a new way of planning and doing psychological evaluation and detailed reports with possibilities of customization, access to comparative benchmarks and setting up profiles in sharing scheme.
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Psihoprofile has proven to be an effective tool for our users and their beneficiaries. Both organizational and clinical psychologists, as well as HR specialists with other backgrounds have been using it for years as part of their professional processes.
- It includes over 120,000 tests finalized on the platform.
- Organizational and clinical psychologists, as well as HR specialists with other backgrounds, have been using it for years as part of their professional processes.
- It has four modules already implemented: professional communication and networking, planning and organizing the activity, professional psychological evaluation, professional counselling and supervision
- It simplifies and automates tedious practices and procedures by having everything in one place.